Introducing the Falun Dafa Method
Qigong is a Chinese martial art that I have been doing for about 5 years in an advanced style. Falun Dafa is the name of this spiritual practice.
Have you ever heard of or watched Tai Chi? If not, what is it? Falun Dafa, on the other hand, is both comparable and quite distinct. It is identical to the last one in that it moves in a leisurely and gentle manner. It differs from the last example in that it is simple to learn. Five gentle exercises are all that is required, and they are so basic and easy to learn that even a tiny kid or an old person may learn and do them without difficulty.
Another significant benefit of Falun Dafa is the fact that it is completely free to study and practice. There are no class fees or continuing monthly dues to worry about paying for this program. You may study Falun Dafa by watching video tutorials on a Falun Dafa website, or you can learn directly from a volunteer teacher.
Volunteer teachers may be found in practically every major city on the globe, and they are trained to teach others. In addition, they will not charge you a fee to learn this delightful, energetic, and health-promoting physical activity. This is something I know for a fact since I too work as a volunteer educator in the Kansas City metro region.
So, what have I gotten out of the profession after 5 years of hard work? The solution to this question is straightforward and thrilling. The constant and reoccurring back pain that I had been suffering from for many years was gone after only two months of this exercise. As a result, I was able to discontinue receiving back treatments from my chiropractor. That was five years ago, and I have not required any more therapy since then.
What’s particularly fascinating about the above case is that I had previously attempted a variety of methods to treat my back pain. There was nothing else that worked!
Over the course of my life, I’ve been fortunate to have just a few minor health difficulties to contend with. I was referring to other people who had more serious health problems and who likewise had complete and utter relief as a result of practicing Falun Dafa.

What exactly are the workouts that you will be doing? Let’s chat about them in this section.
It is my own experience that I am sharing here. However, if you are looking for a more exact description and explanation of the exercises, I recommend reading a book by Li Hongzhi, the guy who first introduced Falun Dafa to the public. His book is titled “False Doctrine,” which means “False Doctrine.” You may get a free copy of his book from the official Falun Dafa website, You can also read it online.
The first exercise is a mild one that consists of stretching from head to toe from start to finish. It takes around 3 to 4 minutes to complete one cycle of the workout. It is performed from a standing position with the knees and hips relaxed until the mild upward stretch that occurs with each of the exercise’s motions is achieved. –
This three-or four-minute exercise is normally done three times once it has been practiced. In typical conditions, it will take around 12 minutes to do this workout three times in succession.
The second exercise consists of a standing posture with four different variations. Each posture is maintained for a certain amount of time, which might vary based on the practitioner’s ability to perform the position. Starting off, holding each position for no more than 1 minute, or even less, might be acceptable, depending on the individual’s abilities and comfort zone.
Advanced practitioners may spend up to 7 minutes or longer on each posture, depending on their skill level. On the other hand, you may gradually enhance your time management skills in accordance with your own desires and talents.
The third exercise is a moderate movement in which you raise and lower your arms in front of your body. This exercise begins with the hands moving in opposing directions during the first half of the workout. The arms all move in the same direction throughout the second half. It takes around 3 minutes to complete each iteration of the workout. Most individuals will perform this exercise three times, for a total period of around nine minutes, if they have practiced it before.
It is similar to the third exercise, but it differs in that the hands trace a route around the body in the fourth exercise. There are two halves to this path: one runs up the front and one runs up the rear of the body. It is customary for the hands to reach a point around mid-back before being brought in front of the body again. The course is traced a total of nine times, with each repeat representing one repetition of the exercise.
When doing the fourth exercise, it is customary to perform it three more times. When performed in this manner, the total time required to do this exercise three times is around twelve minutes.
The sixth exercise is performed while sitting in a cross-legged posture on the floor. A basic “Indian” style leg cross may be performed, or a little more advanced style can be performed, depending on the skill and comfort zone of the individual exercising.
At the beginning, there are a series of hand movements to make, as well as stances to maintain. The amount of time spent holding the hand postures might vary significantly. Once again, the length of time is chosen by the individual who is practicing. The length of time spent holding the hand postures, as well as the total duration of the exercise, is completely up to the discretion of the individual doing the exercise.
In the beginning, it is possible that a person will just do the fifth exercise for a few minutes. Advanced users may choose to practice for an hour or more. Once again, everything is dependent on the competence and comfort level of the individual who is practicing.
The exercises are explained in very basic terms in this section. Falun Gong by Li Hongzhi is a good book if you want a more complete and accurate overview of the exercises. Another option is to download his instructional films from the official Falun Dafa website, which was previously stated.
Mr. Li also has another book, Zhuan Falun, which, from what I gather, expounds on the qualities of the cosmos, which include truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, among other things. I used the hyphens to emphasize that this is a single trait rather than three distinct characteristics, as you would expect. As I already said, this is my understanding of them; nevertheless, many more deep understandings may be found in the book “Zhuan Falun” itself.
Because Falun Dafa may be practiced in a group environment with others without incurring any initial or ongoing payments, it seems to be an excellent alternative to other exercises that require payment to engage in. Exercising in a group or by yourself is perfectly OK, and each individual will have his or her own preferences in this regard. In any case, it’s a pleasurable experience.
Personally, I put it into practice both ways. There is a group practice that meets on Saturdays in the Kansas City area, and you are invited to come and practice with us if you are in the neighborhood. Fortunately, comparable group practices can be found in many places around the United States, Canada, and the rest of the globe. You do not need to go to Kansas City in order to benefit from this amazing treatment.
I’d like to bring up one more point. It seems that some individuals can’t take the sight of others enjoying what they find enjoyable. Likewise, this is no exception. Chinese President Jiang Zemin, who is now in power, is very enraged with those who practice Falun Gong for no apparent reason that anybody can think of. In China, he mercilessly persecutes anyone who professes the religion.
If you wish to understand more about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, you may go to the website, which provides further information. They even provide advice on how to assist in putting a stop to the persecution if you are so motivated.
I really hope you get the opportunity to benefit from the practice in the same way that I have. Some of the benefits I’ve experienced include improved physical health as well as a profound feeling of calm and well-being.
This material is intended only for informational reasons. The information provided is not intended to be used to provide medical advice or to try to avoid, treat, or diagnose any health concerns. If you have or suspect that you may have any form of health problem, contact your primary care physician as soon as possible.