Goji Juice is a natural anti-aging supplement
The discovery of the Fountain of Youth has just occurred. Consider the possibility of you being healthy and living, getting older in years, but yet seeming youthful and fit.
The Tibetan Goji fruit and its juice include four polysaccharides that are recognized to be anti-aging in nature, each one being distinct. Aside from the fact that it is filled with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it is these four unique polysaccharides, which are found in NO OTHER PLANT ON THE PLANET, that provide Goji with its anti-aging properties.
In addition to eating Goji berries, soups, and beverages every day of their lives, the longest-living individuals on the planet have lived to be well over 100 years old, and not in a debilitating manner, but rather in an active and lively manner. Besides fresh vegetables and fruits, they ate just a small quantity of animal fat and kept their weight under control. These people, who lived in some of the most inhospitable and isolated regions on the planet, did not consume any processed, refined chemical foods or fast meals.
Since ancient times, the goji berry (Lycium Barbarum) has been utilized in traditional Tibetan medicine to treat a variety of ailments. The plants grow in the form of bushes, with vines that may reach up to 15 feet in length. The berries are never handled by hand because if they are handled while still fresh, they will oxidize and become black. They are shook onto mats and then dried in the shade to preserve their shape.
Goji berry juice may be added to smoothies or juice drinks to enhance their flavor. There is evidence that the Goji fruit contains polysaccharides, which have been shown to significantly strengthen the immune system. This same polysaccharide has been discovered to be a secretagogue, which is a chemical that increases the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) in the pituitary gland, which is a potent intrinsic anti-aging hormone with anti-aging properties.

It is the richest known food or plant source of carotenoids, including beta carotene (it contains more beta carotene than carrots) of any known food or plant on the planet! Because Goji is a very potent antioxidant, it has historically been considered to reinforce the body against sickness and offer the energy necessary to conquer challenging barriers throughout the healing process. Under the action of human liver enzymes, beta-carotene may be converted into vitamin A and other nutrients. Because it is high in trace minerals, Goji Juice includes considerable levels of zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus, as well as modest amounts of a variety of other trace minerals and trace elements.
In Asian Herbalist Forums, the Goji berry is considered to be one of the most powerful sexual tonic herbs available, and it has been shown to boost sexual fluids and improve fertility. In Mongolia, it is often used by first-time moms to avoid morning sickness during the first trimester. It is a peaceful and relaxing fruit that is bursting with readily accessible energy and nutrients.
The Chinese herb Goji was administered once a day for three weeks to multiple groups of older people, with a wide range of favorable effects seen. The transformation functions of T cells in 67 percent of the patients quadrupled, and the activity of the patients’ white cell interleukin-2 doubled as a result. Additionally, the findings indicated that the spirits and optimism of all of the patients greatly improved, that 95 percent of the patients’ appetites improved, that 95 percent of the patients slept better, and that 35 percent of the patients partly restored their sexual function. The Goji berry is non-toxic in the strictest sense of the word.
In contrast, it should not be consumed by those who are suffering from spleen insufficiency, which manifests itself as dampness and diarrhea. Goji is currently being utilized in clinical settings to treat a variety of common illnesses, including early-onset diabetes and TB, as well as dizziness, impaired vision, and chronic cough. Goji is now being used to treat a variety of other conditions, including chronic cough and vertigo. When it comes to the treatment of diabetes, Three times a day, eight to ten grams of fruit were cooked and consumed each time (steaming softens the fruits). The daily dose range of 8–30 grams is typical of medicinal applications being carried out at this time in a number of nations throughout the world. In addition, the berry has been employed in a number of recent clinical studies for the treatment of bone marrow deficiency-related diseases (low production of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).
According to the Mongolian Institute of Traditional Medicine, Goji has been used in the treatment of atrophic gastritis, which is characterized by weaker digestion as a result of decreased stomach activity. Patients received 10 grams of whole fruits each time, three times daily before meals for two months or longer, with outstanding benefits, according to the researchers. There are eight different types of amino acids in goji juice (six times more than in bee pollen), with eight of them being essential amino acids for the human body (such as isoleucine and tryptophan).
Goji berries contain free amino acids in abundance, accounting for about 50% of their total amino acid content. Goji Juice contains 21 trace elements (the most important of which are zinc, iron, and copper) and 500 times the amount of vitamin C found in oranges when measured by weight. Goji Juice is high in vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E. It is also high in antioxidants. The iron content of mature fruits is approximately 11 mg. per 100 grams, as well as glucose, fructose, vitamin C, beta-sitosterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin), and betaine (a dietary fiber supplement) (0.1 percent).
It is well-known for its ability to revitalize and restore young vigor, as well as boost health.
The legendary Li Qing Yuen (1678–1930), who lived to the age of 252 years and is considered to be the most well-documented instance of extreme longevity known, ingested Goji berries on a regular basis.